This function computes a log odds ratio and its standard error using the frequency counts and sample sizes in a 2-group design. These frequency counts and sample sizes can be obtained from a 2x2 contingency table. This function is useful in a meta-analysis of odds ratios where some studies report the sample odds ratio and its standard error and other studies only report the frequency counts or a 2x2 contingency table. The log odds ratio and standard error output from this function can be used as input in the meta.ave.gen,, and meta.lm.gen functions.

se.odds(f1, n1, f2, n2)



number of participants who have the outcome in group 1


sample size for group 1


number of participants who have the outcome in group 2


sample size for group 2


Returns a one-row matrix:

  • Estimate - estimated log odds ratio

  • SE - standard error


Bonett DG, Price RM (2015). “Varying coefficient meta-analysis methods for odds ratios and risk ratios.” Psychological Methods, 20(3), 394--406. ISSN 1939-1463, doi:10.1037/met0000032 .


se.odds(36, 50, 21, 50)
#>                  Estimate        SE
#> Log odds ratio:  1.239501 0.4204435

# Should return: 
#                  Estimate        SE
# Log odds ratio:  1.239501 0.4204435