
  • New functions: se.bscor, meta.ave.cor.gen, and replicate.cor.gen
  • The standard error for a standardized mean difference with a weighted variance standardizer in the meta.ave.stdmean2,, meta.lm.stdmean2, and se.stdmean2 functions no longer assumes equal variances
  • The replicate.stdmean2 and functions now have options for additional standardizers – note this is a breaking change, where a parameter for the standardizer must now be passed.


  • New functions: se.cohen, replicate.ratio.prop2,, table.from.odds, table.from.phi, meta.sub.gen
  • The ci.fisher function has been renamed meta.ave.fisher
  • Corrected output error in meta.ave.gen.rc function when bystudy = FALSE
  • cor.from.t now returns a 1x1 matrix with column ‘Estimate’


  • New functions: se.ave.mean2.dep, se.ave.cor.over, se.ave.cor.nonover, se.tetra, se.biphi, replicate.spear, replicate.mean1, replicate.prop1, stdmean2.from.t
  • Corrected the displayed standard errors in replicate.cor


  • Updated documentation for several functions
  • New functions for standard errors: se.prop2,
  • New function for chi-square test of homegeniety: meta.chitest
  • New function for confidence interval for an average variance: meta.ave.var
  • New functions for replication studies: replicate.prop2, replicate.oddsratio, replicate.slope
  • For consistency, updated parameter names in the following functions:
    • meta.lm.cronbach now takes (alpha, n, rel, r, X) rather than (alpha, n, rel, q, X)
    • se.cor now takes (cor, s, n) rather than (cor, q, n)
    • meta.sub.cronbach now takes (alpha, n, rel, r, group) rather than (alpha, n, rel, q, group)
    • meta.ave.cronbach now takes (alpha, n, rel, r, bystudy) rather than (alpha, n, rel, q, bystudy)


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.