This function computes an estimate of a biserial-phi correlation and its standard error using the frequency counts from a 2 x 2 contingency table where one variable is naturally dichotomous and the other variable is artifically dichotomous. A biserial-phi correlation could be compatible with a point-biserial correlation in a meta-analysis. The biserial-phi estimate and the standard error from this function can be used as input in the meta.ave.cor.gen function in a meta-analysis where a point-biserial correlation has been obtained in some studies and a biserial-phi correlation has been obtained in other studies.

se.biphi(f1, f2, n1, n2)



number of participants in group 1 who have the attribute


number of participants in group 2 who have the attribute


sample size for group 1


sample size for group 2


Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:

  • Estimate - estimated biserial-phi correlation

  • SE - standard error


se.biphi(34, 22, 50, 50)
#>                Estimate        SE
#> Biserial-phi:   0.27539 0.1074594

# Should return:
#               Estimate        SE 
# Biserial-phi:  0.27539 0.1074594