This function computes confidence intervals for a slope from the original and follow-up studies, the difference in slopes, and the average of the slopes. Equality of error variances across studies is not assumed. The confidence interval for the difference uses a 1 - 2*alpha confidence level, which is recommended for equivalence testing. Use the replicate.gen function for slopes in other types of models (e.g., binary logistic, ordinal logistic, SEM).

replicate.slope(alpha, b1, se1, n1, b2, se2, n2, s)



alpha level for 1-alpha or 1 - 2alpha confidence


sample slope in original study


standard error of slope in original study


sample size in original study


sample slope in follow-up study


standard error of slope in follow-up study


sample size in follow-up study


number of predictor variables in model


A 4-row matrix. The rows are:

  • Row 1 summarizes the original study

  • Row 2 summarizes the follow-up study

  • Row 3 estimates the difference in slopes

  • Row 4 estimates the average slope

The columns are:

  • Estimate - slope estimate (single study, difference, average)

  • SE - standard error

  • t - t-value

  • p - p-value

  • LL - lower limit of the confidence interval

  • UL - upper limit of the confidence interval

  • df - degrees of freedom


Bonett DG (2021). “Design and analysis of replication studies.” Organizational Research Methods, 24(3), 513--529. ISSN 1094-4281, doi:10.1177/1094428120911088 .


replicate.slope(.05, 23.4, 5.16, 50, 18.5, 4.48, 90, 4)
#>                       Estimate       SE         t            p        LL
#> Original:                23.40 5.160000 4.5348837 4.250869e-05 13.007227
#> Follow-up:               18.50 4.480000 4.1294643 8.465891e-05  9.592560
#> Original - Follow-up:     4.90 6.833447 0.7170612 4.749075e-01 -6.438743
#> Average:                 20.95 3.416724 6.1316052 1.504129e-08 14.176310
#>                             UL       df
#> Original:             33.79277  45.0000
#> Follow-up:            27.40744  85.0000
#> Original - Follow-up: 16.23874 106.4035
#> Average:              27.72369 106.4035

# Should return: 
#                       Estimate       SE         t            p
# Original:                23.40 5.160000 4.5348837 4.250869e-05
# Follow-up:               18.50 4.480000 4.1294643 8.465891e-05
# Original - Follow-up:     4.90 6.833447 0.7170612 4.749075e-01
# Average:                 20.95 3.416724 6.1316052 1.504129e-08
#                              LL       UL       df
# Original:             13.007227 33.79277  45.0000
# Follow-up:             9.592560 27.40744  85.0000
# Original - Follow-up: -6.438743 16.23874 106.4035
# Average:              14.176310 27.72369 106.4035