This function computes confidence intervals for a single proportion from an original study and a follow-up study. Confidence intervals for the difference between the two proportions and average of the two proportions are also computed. The confidence level for the difference is 1 – 2*alpha, which is recommended for equivalence testing.

replicate.prop1(alpha, f1, n1, f2, n2)



alpha level for 1-alpha confidence


frequency count in original study


sample size in original study


frequency count in follow-up study


sample size for in follow-up study


A 4-row matrix. The rows are:

  • Row 1 summarizes the original study

  • Row 2 summarizes the follow-up study

  • Row 3 estimates the difference in proportions

  • Row 4 estimates the average proportion

The columns are:

  • Estimate - proportion estimate (single study, difference, average)

  • SE - standard error

  • LL - lower limit of the confidence interval

  • UL - upper limit of the confidence interval


Bonett DG (2021). “Design and analysis of replication studies.” Organizational Research Methods, 24(3), 513--529. ISSN 1094-4281, doi:10.1177/1094428120911088 .


replicate.prop1(.05, 21, 300, 35, 400)
#>                          Estimate         SE          LL         UL
#> Original:              0.07565789 0.01516725  0.04593064 0.10538515
#> Follow-up:             0.09158416 0.01435033  0.06345803 0.11971029
#> Original - Follow-up: -0.01670456 0.02065098 -0.05067239 0.01726328
#> Average:               0.08119996 0.01032549  0.06096237 0.10143755

# Should return:
#                          Estimate         SE          LL         UL
# Original:              0.07565789 0.01516725  0.04593064 0.10538515
# Follow-up:             0.09158416 0.01435033  0.06345803 0.11971029
# Original - Follow-up: -0.01670456 0.02065098 -0.05067239 0.01726328
# Average:               0.08119996 0.01032549  0.06096237 0.10143755