This function estimates the intercept and slope coefficients in a meta-regression model where the dependent variable is a Fisher-transformed correlation. The correlations can be of different types (e.g., Pearson, partial, Spearman). The estimates are OLS estimates with robust standard errors that accommodate residual heteroscedasticity. This function uses estimated correlations and their standard errors as input. The correlations are Fisher-transformed and hence the parameter estimates do not have a simple interpretation. However, the hypothesis test results can be used to decide if a population slope is either positive or negative.

meta.lm.cor.gen(alpha, cor, se, X)



alpha level for 1-alpha confidence


vector of estimated correlations


number of control variables


matrix of predictor values


Returns a matrix. The first row is for the intercept with one additional row per predictor. The matrix has the following columns:

  • Estimate - OLS estimate

  • SE - standard error

  • z - z-value

  • p - p-value

  • LL - lower limit of the confidence interval

  • UL - upper limit of the confidence interval


cor <- c(.40, .65, .60, .45)
se <- c(.182, .114, .098, .132)
x1 <- c(18, 25, 23, 19)
X <- matrix(x1, 4, 1)
meta.lm.cor.gen(.05, cor, se, X)
#>       Estimate         SE          z     p
#> b0 -0.47832153 0.63427931 -0.7541181 0.451
#> b1  0.05047154 0.02879859  1.7525699 0.080

# Should return: 
#       Estimate         SE          z     p
# b0 -0.47832153 0.63427931 -0.7541181 0.451
# b1  0.05047154 0.02879859  1.7525699 0.080