Computes a confidence interval for a population mean with a finite population correction (fpc) using the estimated mean, estimated standard deviation, sample size, and population size. This function is useful when the sample size is not a small fraction of the population size.
ci.mean.fpc(alpha, m, sd, n, N)
alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
estimated mean
estimated standard deviation
sample size
population size
Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
Estimate - estimated mean
SE - standard error with fpc
LL - lower limit of the confidence interval with fpc
UL - upper limit of the confidence interval with fpc
ci.mean.fpc(.05, 24.5, 3.65, 40, 300)
#> Estimate SE LL UL
#> 24.5 0.5381631 23.41146 25.58854
# Should return:
# Estimate SE LL UL
# 24.5 0.5381631 23.41146 25.58854